Monday, April 29, 2013

EWWS' Foods + Panty Monsters' third anniversary

It's strange to imagine that Ryan Vergara and Garovs Garovillo, the brains behind the powerhouse that is Everywhere We Shoot (EWWS), have never had a solo exhibit. Strange, considering they are everywhere. The power couple is at every art event I go to. Their work is Everywhere, from the billboards they shoot, the pictures they post online, and the art they produce. We have also witnessed their historic wedding, videos of which spread online like wildfire. Yes, it is safe to say that EWWS has reached cult status.

So now, at the height of their careers (and marital bliss), the two have mounted their first solo exhibit at Pablo Fort. Entitled Foods, it is a tongue-in-cheek take on food. They are literally photos of food, and there is a touch of Warhol in it. The pieces are a celebration of everything that is mass produced. The photos themselves are gorgeously taken. The shots are simple yet crisp, with backgrounds that pop, adding depth to an otherwise everyday subject.

If you follow either (or both) of them on Instagram, you'd know that Vergara and Garovillo are addicted to grocery shopping. This love is the idea behind Foods, which explores the glorification of food items that we take for granted. Here, we get the chance to observe and see them with fresh eyes. I'm not sure if I'm just seeing their beauty for the first time, or EWWS just takes excellent photos. The most amusing part is how they are unlabeled, yet you know what the food are. There is Chickenjoy, McDonald's fries, Nissin cup noodles, Andok's chicken, and Cheetos. My favorite is the sandwich.

Joan Bitagcol, Gelo Arucan, Paulo Castro, Jujiin Samonte, Melvin Mojica, Joey Samson, and Ivarluski Aseron 

Garova Garovillo aka Mrs. Vergara 

"Fashion staple and creative genius" Melvin Mojica 

The supporters

Foods was a lot of fun because it seemed like a large intimate gathering. Everyone seemed to know each other. I had the pleasure of being acquainted with Jujiin Samonte, Paulo Castro, and the rest of the Panty Monsters, because I wrote about their third anniversary party in Today x Future that night. I want to write more about it, but there are no words to explain the fun I had. The amazing music and the balmy Cubao night was an intoxicating combination that made me lose control on the floor. Seriously, no DJ has ever made me dance like the Panty Monsters did.

I also got to meet Romeo Lee, one of the local artists I admire. I have a notebook from Delirium with his work on the cover, and I giddily showed it to him. He offered to sign it for me. He mentioned that he doesn't have a copy and though I want to give him mine, I wrote some personal stuff that I didn't want him to read. Oh, to be a teenager-at-heart with so many feelings!


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